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My student room | Photographs on my wall

A few weeks ago I told you about the idea to put three of my selfmade-photographs on my wall. Why? Because my walls are, according to me, still very empty and I have been brainstorming about the most creative and relatively cheep ideas to fill them. This idea was one of the outcomes. Today, I looked threw all of my photographs and picked some I would like to hang on my wall. Right after I selected several pictures I decided to let you decide witch one I will put on my wall.

Which three pictures, I gave them a number from 1 to 6 and you can find them when you click on the [...] symbol, do you like the most?

My student life | Me and my mess

It is finally Friday! My exams are over and I am looking forward to a lovely weekend with my family, boyfriend and friends before the new period will start. Today I had my second and last exam and I think I also passed this one. I am very happy, because my two hours of really learning simple facts and list so I would know them by heart paid off. I really wanted to post something on my blog and my mind is full of ideas but I have to hurry a little bit because my lovely mother is going to pick me up by car (so I don't have to go by train, which will save me a lot of stress and traveltime) and she will be here in less dan half and an hour. I have to clean up the mess I have made, clean my room so it will be shiny again and pack my stuff before mummy will arive!

My student life | My first exam since I am in University

Guys guys guys! All right, before I will go talking way to enthusiastic about my exam today I want to apologize for not updating for such a long time (although realistically nobody will really miss my post or even notice that I have not been posting for a while otherwise than my boyfriend). But what I wanted to tell you: today I have had my very first exam at the University and I really did I did a good job (I think I have really passed this exam, Social Psychology). I have been studying very hard for the last 10 days and that has paid off! So, being really happy right now, but very tired on the other side (my eyes are feeling really heavy) I will go to bed, maybe talking for a few minutes with my boyfriend on the phone and go to sleep! Because tomorrow will be another day of studying! Friday I will have my second (and also last) exam about Public Health, where I already have spend some (read three days) on! I am very curious and excited! We will see, goodnight and 'speak' to you soon!

Do you guys have exams right now?

My student life | A mountain of laundry

I have to admit; living on my own has not been so hard for the last few months. But when I came in my room today and took a look at my laundry basket, I had a little 'I need my mom moment'. No, it is not because I only need her for the laundry, I definitely miss her not being around as well, but it is just something mummy normally did. Because she has become my follower today, I thought it was a nice gesture to write a little post about missing her. Do you guys recognize this by the way? Seeing (a mountain of) the laundry and thinking 'where is my mum?'  So after I laughed a little bit and tried to get all the laundry really ín the basket (what did not really succeed), I took a couple of photographs and did not call my mother but decided to do my laundry tomorrow and write a blog post about it this evening. So here it is, bright and shiny, a post about my mountain of laundry!

Are you guys living on your own already? Do you recognize having way to much laundry to do? And do you miss your mum and parents too?

My future home | Wall of old-looking wood

I was telling way to enthusiastic  to my boyfriend about our future home together and how it would look like, when I suddenly realised it was kind of way to progressive. But I also immediately connected my enthusiastic talking to my lovely student-room blog! I just realised in less than a few seconds that I had invented a great idea; creating a new topic on my blog called 'my future home'. Why? Because my future home really keeps me busy! Sometimes I see such wonderful home styling things which I can't make come truth right now, but I always think 'that is something I really have to remember for later!' So I made it myself a lot easier to remember everything I see and gave you another topic to get inspiration from. The upcoming weeks, months or maybe years I will keep you updated with beautiful ideas for a home, for my future home (with I will hopeful share with my amazing boyfriend, and yes, I still believe in those happy ending perfect fairy tales!). Lots of love, a very progressive home-loving girl.

My student room | Some sketches and wild ideas

An important hint I got when you are going to decorate a room is to make a sketch of your room in advance. The same thing when you are trying to decide what you are going to do with your walls. Last night, I could not sleep and I made some sketches of my walls and how I would like to decorate them. Unfortunately, I wrote all the words around it in Dutch, but I will explain it to you in English. Right between my two doors I want to put a  very cute square-shaped photo of my boyfriend. On the left door I maybe want to put a lot of photos I have got with my friends. But as I am a little afraid that is going to look really messy I am still not sure about that idea. On the right door (which is the door that leads you into my bathroom) I want to put a text that says 'Bathroom'. Then my second wall. Above my dresser I want to hang two wooden boards or shelves (the same boards my dad has used for my table) and put two little plants on it, some letters as decoration and my study books. Then, I want to paint the frame of my mirror ór even a whole vertical stripe of my wall in the same earth-color as my other wall. On the right, right above my table, bench and stools, I want to hang three detailed-photos of my room that I have made by myself, which I told you in a earlier post about.
I will keep you all updated about my room.There is a chance that I will be shopping this afternoon with my boyfriend, so then I will certainly buy some new things for my room! Have a nice day!  

My student room | Daddy's little project

Since I have been sick the last two days (and woke up this morney feeling so much better), I could not write any post untill now. Last Saturday, my mum, dad, sister and boyfriend came to my student house. My dad had finished (what I call) his little project and brought the two square-shaped stools with him. Ofcourse I immediately took a lot of photographes and here they are: my stools.


My student room | What to do with bare walls?

I promised to make a post about bare walls and what to do about them. In other words: some creative ideas to perk up your wall. As I almost got all the furniture and big stuff I need, I can finally spend all of my energy on the little details. I was thinking about my walls being almost empty. All my photos were poperly in a photoframe and the only thing I really did hung up where a mirror and a piece of wood with a lovely text on it. They needed some more! I have almost figured out everything I want to put on my wall, but I still want to inspire you with some creative ideas. So, here is my little list of what you could do with a bare or plain wall.

Idea 1: Buy a big wall-sticker. This sticker can be a text or a figure such as a tree or heart. There a serveral web shops who sell wall-stickers.

Idea 2: Buy a beutiful painting that matches your room. When you have a lot of money, go by several painters to look for a beautiful handmade painting. If you want to spend less money on a painting you can buy them cheeper by 'Action', other stores or search threw webshops on the internet.

Idea 3: Buy a huge photo frame and put your most beautiful or fun photo in it. This will be a great eye-cather and makes your room very personal and gives it a very cosy or warm feeling.

Idea 4: Buy a long rope (or two or three) and use a clothespin to attach multiple photos.

Idea 5: Buy shelves and put some cute home asseccoiries, decoration letters and books on them.

Idea 6: Make a wall of hearts. Buy as much decoration-hearts as you can find that have a little rope on it so you can put it on the wall. Vary in sizes and colors to make a very nice-looking heart-wall.

Idea 7: Buy a frame and collect shelves at the beach to make your own shelves-decoration-frame. You can use shelves to decorate the frame or you can use shelves to fill the frame in with.

Idea 8: Buy several coat hooks and hang decoration things on its; such as hearts or photo frames.

I hope I inspired you with (some of) these ideas. I would like to get some feedback, so leave a comment if you want to!

My student room | How to use your own creativity and photos?

Hello lovely blog readers again,

Yesterday I was laying in my bed, brainstorming about what I could do with my bare walls. I was thinking about several things (in a few days I will dedicate a whole post to this creative ideas), when I suddenly conceived something very awesome. I have made several pictures of little accessories in my room, such as a bottle filled with shelves, these cute and little hearts and my blankets. So why not use these pictures as art or accessory for my room? I conceived the idea to print three photos I have made of my own home accessories on canvas to put it on my still bare wall. Since I have a lot of pictures of my friends and family, I thought it was a nice and totally different idea. Another plus is that these pictures or art will perfectly match my room. Why I wanted to share this idea separately from all the other? Because it is something I really wanted to tell you as soon as possible and I think that it is a completely different concept than all the others. I hope to inspire you with this idea and I would love to get some feedback and hear what yoú think and feel and find useful or actually less useful. If you want to leave a comment specific on this post you can click on the title of this post, create an Google+ account and share your thoughts. If you want to say something to me about this blog as a whole you can reach me by sending an e-mail to 'chantalgoenee@hotmaill.com'.

Lots of love, me.

My student life | VT wonen: my favorite living magazine

I just did something, which I normally don't do. I bought my favorite living magazine. As you all probably know, ignoring or withstanding things you really really really réally want to have is absolutely a tough thing. So I was in the supermarket, having a hard time not buying my favorite magazine (where I normally can take a quick look in, but was this time wrapped in plastic), when I thought 'well yeah, but actually I definitely need this for my blog' (of course this is one of the hundred excuses I could think of). So in the end, I have just bought this magazine and I am very excited to unpack this magazin, to undo it from this ugly plastic and share the most inspiring, loving, creative things with you. I promise you, this magazin is going to make me post more than ever, so keep an eye on this website and blog. Lots of love to you all, me.