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My student life | A mountain of laundry

I have to admit; living on my own has not been so hard for the last few months. But when I came in my room today and took a look at my laundry basket, I had a little 'I need my mom moment'. No, it is not because I only need her for the laundry, I definitely miss her not being around as well, but it is just something mummy normally did. Because she has become my follower today, I thought it was a nice gesture to write a little post about missing her. Do you guys recognize this by the way? Seeing (a mountain of) the laundry and thinking 'where is my mum?'  So after I laughed a little bit and tried to get all the laundry really ín the basket (what did not really succeed), I took a couple of photographs and did not call my mother but decided to do my laundry tomorrow and write a blog post about it this evening. So here it is, bright and shiny, a post about my mountain of laundry!

Are you guys living on your own already? Do you recognize having way to much laundry to do? And do you miss your mum and parents too?

A little side note: when I would take it home, she would do it for me, no doubt! 

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