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My student mind | Hello November!

It is almost freezing (or at least very cold) outside, my windows are fogged and my third best friend (after my boyfriend and bed), called my cellphone, indicates '1 november' at his little screen. It just happened. November 2013 is here. Time for me to lay another seconds in my bed, just to enjoy the cosy and warm feeling I get from him. After getting myself out of bed, I make a little dance. November means almost December and that really is my most favorite month. Especially because this year I also go on a holiday, to Rome! Yes, I don't like it being so cold outside, but everything else about December is just wonderful. I just love the cozyness, warmth, christmaslights, candels, blankets, tea and so much more that lovely December gives. I just love the ambiance! I want to hug my boyfriend just a little more, I want to stay in my bed for just some extra minutes and I want to enjoy the shower just a little bit more! Besides that, there is no such lovely thing as the fireplace. For me, fireplace is December and December is the fireplace. Besides the fireplace and all the other things I mentioned, there are all those lovely happenings in December: Christmas, Saint Nicolas and last but not least the celebration of the new year.This time already 2014! Time flies! I am just going to count the days and for now enjoy the days of November too.  

What is your favorite month? Do you recognize everything I have said and do you love December as much as I do? Let me know!